Stan “The Rhino” Efferding’s event in January 2020 at The Strength Co. in Southern California was a great success. Members and new faces at the sold out event learned a lot about The Vertical Diet, nutrition and powerlifting. Stan also covered a wide array of topics about sleep, recovery, supplements and of course, nutrition. Check out coach Mike Minigell’s recap of what we learned about Stan’s Vertical Diet.
We also took a ten minute walk as a seminar break.
Stan and our Starting Strength coaches then broke down the attendees into small groups to coach the squat and the deadlift.
It was a lot of high quality information and Stan did a wonderful job presenting facts and experiences into an entertaining lecture.
We highly recommend attending one of his seminars if you want to learn more about how to lift, eat and recover from a legend in bodybuilding and powerlifting.